Tuesday, March 06, 2007

something to think about..

we were having dinner on Sunday evening when Nathan asked a question all of the sudden.

The question:
Mum.. if we do something which we are not suppose to do. Would (in my head I was thinking he would ask - would God know) it be lying if I did not tell it?

Without a doubt, I said yes. Omission is also lying.
I did not go further into detail that there could be "white lie" which happens when you access the situation. I did not even probe him!

But later that night, I ponder upon this stange question he asked.

- is he hiding something from me?
- have I done something which I'm not suppose to and did not tell it to another person and he somehow know it (I could be unaware.. usually I will tell)
- did he want to tell me something else but I did not probe.

well, I left it open. He is already going to be 10 in October. He is really an intelligent boy who is also sensitive. I really hope that he would have by now develop the habit of telling me things instead of having to probe before sharing.

And this boy was so sweet. there is this debate the arena which I encouraged him to watch. This week's topic is Mother Knows Best. Mothers should stay at home to raise children.

He says that both parents knows best, mum just know better than dad.
Thanks alot for that confirmation son! haha