Tuesday, August 29, 2006

a third reminder?

The third death this year.

Shortly after my Dad's death. S.L. (hubby's eldest sis's husband)was hospitalised and admitted to ICU. His lungs then was so fill with water that he could not breathe. He was told that it was his chronic high blood that caused it.
It made sense, I recalled in 1998 when my Dad was admitted, the same thing happened and he made it thru till this year.
When S.L. was warded for further investigation, they found a black dot near his lungs but they could not do an oral biotopsy, and S.L. did not want to get cut. Instead of follow thru with the western docs, he saw a series of Chinese sinseh and hoped to find THE miracle. Everytime we discussed about S.L. (without him) during those times, i'll get irritated and told them that if the dot is not determined, how can any persons save him.
Then, his health deterioted within months... sometimes, he'll be so weak that he could not function well. Finally, it became serious enough and they did a CT scan about a month ago. Apparently, he have had brain cancer two years ago and only recently, it spread to his lymnoid, then to his lungs. The earlier detection of the black dot could be that but because it was "new", everyone thought that he was in the early stage of cancer. By then, it was late. The cancer cells also went to his bones.
Two weeks ago, he went for two ops and two Sats ago, we visited hime. Although he seems tired. It seems like God's only comfort to me when i witness his admission to accept Christ. One of my SIL's pastor came over and prayed with him. It was my heart's desire and God protected it and let me saw that thru.
We had all hopes that he will recover. He went home last Tues but his appetite was so bad that he lost a lot of weight.
He was admitted again on sun and this time, the doctors warn that if he can survive these few days, he'll make it. He didn't this evening.

May God receive his soul readily .. Amen.