Thursday, October 20, 2005

the makes of me

at a traffic light, a little 50s lady approached.

Ole lady: mam, please donate to the handicapped. It's just $10 and Auntie has been working in the rain for quite some time already you know.

Me, hesitating cos green man says to cross: erm.. sorry... I am rushing. And I donated before (REALLY okie).

Ole lady: do it for a good cause again, you will be a great help.

Me: sorry...

Ole lady, cut my lane: please buy..

Me (mumble): feel like being emotionally blackmailed.

Ole lady: no no, what do you mean I blackmail you.

Me: I really need to go, sorry.. No, I don't want to buy anything now.

Ole lady, "gin" at me, point her nose upwards: fine, whatever, up to you.

Me: >.<

Does this incident makes me any less charitable???? I hate feeling so oblige to donate when I can't even think about it!