Monday, January 29, 2007

the MC king a.k.a the hubby

Jan alone, the hubby is sick twice. the first was on the 15th when he had severe lao sai.. It was really rather serious, not that he is faking it or something. Then over the weekends, he has this swollen left eye and a large pimple that caused his throat to be scratchy and fever. And he is on sick leave again today. He says his boss is totally unhappy.

Last year, the hubby finished using all the medical entitlement. I wonder if he is going to hit the same record this year. When I cleared the fridge of the out dated medicines, I visited the doc only once last year - wow... I'm a super mum, yeah. AND, I can feel that my MIL not happy with me not taking good care of his son. hrmph.

Perhaps I should make him go into detox programme to kill his sick germs.