Sunday, June 10, 2007

Life's like that...

Besides some white hairs that persists on my head. I sometimes get into self denial that I'm in my 30s. Well, there is always little harm to think you are 28 as long as I behave resonably mature... err, right?

Then, I am slap with the reality with two instances and am reminded and a little more persuaded that I have grown wiser being in the 30s.

1st incident:
The exits from the trains are mostly on the right side of the station and makes the train station at Pasir ris more crowded on the right than left. I wanted to top up the value of my transport card when I realised that the woman 3 persons before me ain't getting no where. I quickly take a peek on the other side and saw no persons blocking and made my way there. It takes approx 8 mins to finish the transaction of topping up. At the 6th min, the lady in her 20s whom was queuing before me came to my left side machine to get her single trip refund. Her friend chided her for not coming to that side earlier (I then was about to turn and saw the other side still as crowded and people does not want to leave the queue to get their transaction done on our side). Then the lady in her 20s replied with loads of pride and slightly raised voice.
"well, some gals have boobs and some have brains, I rather be the one who has boobs."
Alrighty then, my head was replying : I'd have both, thanks very much.
That's is what women of 30s wisely thinks.

2nd incident:
one popular joke about ugly women was this guy went for a blind date and the partner turned up rather unpleasant to the eye. He sat there gentlemanly and down 4 glasses and beer. With each beer, the date becomes prettier and prettier. At the 4th glass, the date has great figure and celebrity looks.
I was standing in a peak hour MRT cabin when 3 .. well, boys in their 20s decided to boost how much they know about gals. Because it was crowded, my back was turn against them. But they were right behind me and spoke pretty loudly.
They lament that with the selection they have, how would they be able to procreate *ahem*. One commented that he has to get himself drunk everyday to get himself to bed with his wife if that's the case. Another then described the joke (as above) to another whom sounds like a Thai.
On the 3rd station, I managed to get a seat and as I sat, I faced them. Alas, they should really look themselves in the mirror. Like Piggy in the journey to the west, a chinese proverbs says: Piggy stares at the mirror, inside and outside is not human. Same thing applies to these boys in their 20s. Please, you are no hunk nor sauve. Nerd, pimply, stout and bad fashion sense - the girls you get suits you well. Thank you very much.

My hubby is watching Pursuit for happyness and I realised that it is the best show to play for Father's Day next week. They can comprehend the child care Christopher (the young boy) goes to, the exasperation Chris Garner felt, the love he wants to give his kid. My hub is feeling all that now.