Listening to: praise and worship 2
My first love came back. With a vengence... After the teacher's retreat last month, I found my lukewarm attitude disgusting. I am falling in love over again with Christ.
I hope to spread that excitement to my cell group members then so forth. I suppose, it was a year of real test yesteryear where the workplace has totally no believers. At this new workplace, brother Isaac is so ever encouraging. My mentor wants to attend church again (he stopped going for two years now).
All fired up now, I hope to do a little more than I am doing now.
Starting by emailing encouraging experiences, for sometimes over coversation, i may miss out the most important thing - quotation from the Word.
sometime from a couple of week ago:
This morning, a colleague brought breakfast for about20 of us in the department. His reason for doing sowas to accumulate favour/blessings (ji fu) - as inconfucion studies. (kong zi)As Christians, we do not have that above concept whenwe do good deeds. But on what motivations do we actthat deed?Surely, we know that when we are filled with the loveof God and recognise it, it will become our actions. -> let's really be active in putting discipline in ourlove for others, be it the community or even our cellmembers.We discuss last BS on the love of God and one of theparable to illustrate that is the prodigal son.We know that the father in the parable RAN to hisyounger son. Giving him the robe (of righteousness),the gold ring (inheritance) and the shoes/sandals(son).There is also this elder brother who got upset withhis father for doing being so elated over the youngerunfilial son's homecoming. And reinstating all of thebrother's previous status. While all this while, theelder brother thought that he sacrifice and staybehind to work for his father.the father explained "all I have is already yours"God is concern for you, he wants to protect you andgive you all of what is His to you. However, you donot have to sacrifice for Him. In the case of theelder son, he probably was upset that he sacrifice didnot get recognition. Are we sometimes like that?Thinking that we have given the blessings to othersand seemingly has no returns. Then feel tired andupset?-> When you are feeling tired on loving others,remember that your strength comes from God.The experience of Christ love should be spread aroundus. That is a baby step to bring one to know Christ.Let's continue to uphold everyone of us in prayers.
last week :A brother in christ is stumbled by a sister in christ's testimony
Galatians 5:25-6:6 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in stepwith the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited,provoking and envying each other. 1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you whoare spiritual should restore him gently. .... 2 Carryeach other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfillthe law of Christ. 3 If anyone thinks he is somethingwhen he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 Each oneshould test his own actions. Then he can take pride inhimself, without comparing himself to somebody else, 5for each one should carry his own load. 6 Anyone who receives instruction in the word mustshare all good things with his instructor.
When we ponder upon the brother's (in christ)reaction,it is evident that he is critical of the sister'sactions. Galatians 5:25-6:5 reminds us again that weshould resolve our planks before judging. Test our ownactions but not comparing. Do not let that hinder usfrom obeying the law of Christ.We shall not dwell on the technicalities of the "moralfault" but focus on doing what is right - for thisinstance, be happy for the sister (in Christ) forbeing out of trouble and continual encourage her,gently to strengthen her walk with Christ.Remember how Jesus was different from the teachers ofthe law. Above all laws, LOVE your fellow men. This isyet another huge topic to discuss. AS for whether what the sister had done was morallyright or wrong... you decide :)Lastly, I am no instructor but please share yourinstruction from the word and share all good thingswith all.(galatians 6:6)