Saturday, May 06, 2006

Rooting time

It's fun this year. To be able to attend all these emotionally evoking rallies and stuff. It's clear by the numbers of people attending the rallies. Although it does not neccessarily signifies the number of votes each parties is gonna get but it certainly shout that we need to hear things that are close to us, the heartlanders.
Politics to me is nothing but words.
Say is cheap, be careful of what you say, you might get sued with what you said, people might not like some of the things you say, what you say may not make sense, say what people like to hear, some say their speech so scripted, say, say, say.

I've heard from both parties. Aiyah, at the end of the day, I just want action lah, yeah I am such a simple person. My flat's paint is wearing out and when it rains, there are bits of those peeling off paints staining the corridors. The walk to the bus terminal is so open that it burns into the skin. Not condusive for elderly to stroll to and fro in the day.

So who will be walk the talk? who will take ownership and improve things like they stay here?

Meanwhile, I will continue to try to "enjoy" my working 24 X 7 X 6 days work week, hope to be still alive when I draw my CPF monies at 62... chase that academic paper with my children.... hope not to fall sick as well.