Sunday, May 21, 2006

the ball game

I have these balls to struggle everyday. Work ball, motherhood ball, daughter ball, daughter in law ball, wife ball...

There are two balls here which I find challenging to cope most times. Motherhood ball vs work ball. They clash constantly and I feel like I've produced half baked results on these two balls most times.

I am ever grateful that God has blessed me with a well paid job with reasonable interesting scope. I am at the same time ever grateful that God bestowed unto me two wonderful children whom till now has not given me mega major headache.

But no matter how hard I try, something will slip. I am recently told that I am not at par with key sales persons working for MNC. granted - I was not given any intensive training gerhma. I was also told that I should be more responsive to my phone calls even when I am on leave.. hmmm... how to take calls when I'm stuck at the pool for 4 hours? Or when I am travelling overseas? I'm not paid with auto roaming hiyah.. all these trival work rant.
The gist.. not handling this ball great enough.

then, it turns out. The children were giving my MIL heaps of stress and she started to broadcast to the village of bro and sis in law. Who in turn, started to "attack" me on how inappropriately I taught my kiddos and my maid. There are some serious issue with Natasha's behaviour, that I know. I tried my utmost best to control. But hey, I was not the one who pampers her like an empress then suddenly decided to take her priviledges away. I warned them before.. I also..... I defended away...
THEN, it dawn upon me that my MIL is tired of looking after my children. I empathise with her. My two buggers can be quite a handful if they know that they can take advantage of the situation. They bicker almost from the time they got together till we are around, they do not listen to the old pair, they use loads of emotional blackmail on them... etc.

after a short one night of deliberation, It was with consensus that after June holidays, Tasha will be going to after school care direct from kinder school. Nathan will stay at home after school with my maid. The maid will collect Tasha at 5.45pm from the CC to have dinner. I target to be home at 7.30pm. Plus, me gotta do marketing every week to keep food stock up and cook up more nutritious recipes... why is my head spinning urgh. It's a chore to think of menus.

on a happier note. Nephew baby Isaac is a chubby dude who has now mastered to do as much tentative smiles as tentative cries.

We went for all ladies ( sis, mum and I) spa out yesterday and those knots on my back are definitely feeling the p-a-i-n. But it was great. It's been a long time since my skin felt like satin.