Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's not all that hard...

As I look upon Christmas with a different perspective and with different expectations, somehow, it's just another evening on 24th and another day on 25th.

Although so many people is trying to give, it was disheartening to see people fretting over the last minute gift exchange, to see people shouting over the handphones at their family to meet at a certain place after the hectic shopping, to see people freak out over the amount to spend on whatever meaningful presents they try to get, to see people think about how to please people around them and lost the real sense of this day, to see people fight because their loved ones did not get THAT gift, to see people get drunk to "celebrate" the birth of Christ and regret what they might have done the night before, to see people still freezing in the winter cold in some countries, to see people overeat and make merry but have no idea at all of why...

So much for feeling this way. I just need to get it off my chest.

However, it was so great to feel contented. Just that. Contented.

The only shopping I did was just to pick up the turkey for the family christmas gathering.
After a simple dinner on Christmas eve, we went to church and consider thank God for giving us Jesus who on this day (supposingly) became man. So that we can become like Him.