Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Keeping the goal alive

Got my butt off my comfy sofa and did my practice run with Nathan. I did 2Km in 20mins and he did 1.5km though he walked more than jog.

The air was breezy and cool. We saw vibrant coloured blooms and a blue bird decided to pop by our path!

There was no particular excitement to the new year. 2008 seemed to just a better adjusted 2007. I had a lot of reservation and uncertainty when I first joined, albeit the wonderful support system provided. There were times when I jitter at the thought of my boss throwing new challenges or the time he was absent.
He dropped the bomb last Sat telling me he had to report for reservist for 2 weeks, I felt that I could totally handle part of his job. However, I hope that there would be no major hiccups I have to manage.

The only item that makes my adrenaline run faster is more events planning! 1 in Feb, 1 before Summer and the 2 in Nov for USA. There will be stuff to do for Australia and UK in the second half of the year. Although, the pay still suffer that bit in comparison to doing sales. I still don't have the urge to move back.

I had only wanted to do a 10km and really just maybe the 21km for the year end Standard Chartered run. My colleague is tempting me to do a Biathalon - run + bike. KK gave me a wet blanket last night and I was pretty upset though he is right. I have just learn to crawl and now I want to jump over the high pole? I am not defeated by mere words but by the lazy bug in me. It'd mean alot of training with clinics. Can I cope being a person who wants almost everything right - at home and at work. Wiser to handle something I can swallow.

The rain suddenly disrupts my thoughts.. Wendy asks who reads my blog. There was no real answer at that point because I felt I was still a comment whore. Now, these are irrelevant. I write when I have the inspiration, when I read back my blogs, they are pretty meaningful. I thought that my kids at 6 and 2.5 yo back in year 2003 were big, I had wanted to be a SAHM when both are in their primary school (didn't happen afterall), pics had to be scanned, I took photos and uploaded the kids' school projects and achievements... fwah, so much took place in and about our lives. Though firm friendships didn't form, I am still glad I wrote.
And I'd keep writing.

Thank God for always being in and around us.