Thursday, September 13, 2007

growing pains...

"The reality is that pain is there to tell us something."

Grey's Anatomy, episode Living the dream

Oh, how true.

When Dr Bailey operated on the little girl, Megan (i think) who thought she was a superhero, she says that these are the times when we appreciate what pain brings us. It protects from harm.

It is however insane and inhumane and crazy to want to be in pain all the time. And when pain happens, there's no solution. We just need to breathe in and out and hope that pain subsides with time.


I'm totally exasperated.
with my girl and her P1 maths. She sometimes add when there is a minus sign or vice versa. Godspeed.
with my bibile study group. Mandated leader does not dictate causing too many indian chief.
with my hubby. ask me whether i want donuts. knowing him, i said no. he called again 10 mins later and said there is no q, ask me to buy or not. I said go ahead then. He commented that it's troublesome to lug the box home. DUH!!! then bloody don't ask since there is little intention! TMD!
with a product person who acts helpful in front of my sales people. Gives one word answers when there a need to gain his expertise *if any*.. I'm exasperate, remember.
With myself for wanting to go back to doing sales. I am in serious mid career crisis. urgh.

.... my menses is not due till next week, why am i so easily irritated?