Monday, August 06, 2007

About Cats

Hubby dislike cats, kittens. I had to come to his "rescue" at each appearance of a cat when we eat at the hawker centres.
We went to Ubi to have our Sunday lunch, Natasha spotted a grey striped kitten and went to it. The poor meow is thin to its bones and its right eye is infected. Tasha was talking to it and I can simply see her heart melted for it.
To distract her, I told her we will come back to check if the kitten is there after our lunch. She was totally easy for lunch, gobbled up her lunch before I can say hocuspocusdoddlelillydiddle.
She waited restlessly for me to finish my food as she was not allowed to visit the kitten on her own.
Alas, the kitten was still there when we returned. I told her that her daddy will not allow her to bring home. And the kitten is very sick already. I didn't expect that she would feel so much for the meow. Her tears came down. I cannot bear to see her that way because I am a softie when it comes to stray kittens too.
She tried to talk her daddy into rearing it but (expectedly) hubby will not be persuaded. She then returned to her seat and quietly sobbed. Not the sulking kind though.

It striked me that it's another milestone for her. She had never ask for pets, everytime we visit the shop where the hamsters, cats, rabbits are so cute, she will never ask to get them home. Perhaps because we already have a dog at home. But for this kitten, she simply could let go and I could feel so much compassion from her for the stray.