Our usual children activities packed weekend started with a leisure Sat morning at my sister's place. Nathan and Tasha is at church camp the whole day.
We played with Isaac, exchange DVD dramas, update on things and watch Nigella's cooking.
Breakfast was in simple western style and a few nice laughs.
Isaac (Z) Ong on my legs
We got home to rest, watch some LEGENDS episodes and napped. Then it's time to work on the pot bless I am suppose to bring over for FIL's birthday party.
I changed and decided to take some nice pics. Nigella always does this before her party :)
ok, okay, I took a few shots before reaching this one I like
then at the party.... the usual, there's mahjong, there's boredom, there's DVD watching...
.... and camera, action, take.

My unmarried (read: alot of money to spend) sisters in law are into getting premium cakes. This time, they got it from The Patissier. It's really something the cake.
The hazelnut biscuit base made to the snap slightly between your lips, the cream is light yet still has that sweet, slightly sappy sour taste of passionfruit. The sponge is tightly wrapped vertically with that cream.. thumbs up.
Happy birthday to you.. and he's 69 still going strong!
(L-R) bottom: Jun Jie, Jing Heng, Jun Xiang, Si Hong
All nine of the grandchildren. The eldest 17 years old, youngest 8.
can you spot them when they are younger? The youngest in the latter pic is 2 years old - that a not long 6 years ago :)
update of sunday activity tomorrow...