b'cos i cannot get the media embed here, I manage to get a few posts at LJ with uploaded video! Or perhaps it's only me who cannot do it here...
otherwise, i like the feeling of seclusion here at blogger. So thus this blog.
I have a dry cough and losing voice. The doc was not able to affirm what's the exact cause, there is no pain in/out my throat, there's a slight swell on the right tonsil that causes the dry cough but it should not have affected my voice box.
So I've decided to log into mails from home and try to work after this early morning's conference call with the US folks. Just in case my virus becomes lethal to some sitting nearby. Try to work? because most applications are still accessible only in the office.
Perhaps it was due to stress teaching the little ones. Nathan kena big time chastise from me. He is an achiever but hell of a lazy bum.
I found out that his chinese 造句, 作文, 写词.. workbook were not done. One of it left a teacher's remarks 不要懒惰. There were so many time and chance to finish up on Friday, Sat and Sun but it was simply left undone. There were several (too many) 改正 that was not done too.
I am one who believe that one person's success attributes from 80% hardwork and 20% intelligence.
I hate to be labelled a "Kiasu" mum. I honestly wasn't trying to boost his results up. He did really quite well for his mid year. All in the band 1 region. tis time, it was more of my believe. I firmly believe that having the right attitude, right morals and right religion goes a long long way. God dictates how the children will live their lives. I only have but the stewardship role. I cannot and won't condone to laziness.
Ms Tasha on the other hand gives us a different challenge altogether. She is loving and can give some wit answers at times. But she's fond of lying. Okay, fond of lying is rather heavy. She's lies quite a fair bit. Not sure why that nature but it should really be nip very soon if not immediately. It is so natural for a person to lie under pressure to perform, right. Did I force that, perhaps.. let me take a recent example, I asked if she is okay with the guzhen lessons, she says it was all good. How was I to know that she had weakness in rythum unless she does not feel that she needs to excel in front of me. I honestly did not impose any standard on her guzheng. I even bought a set for her to practice at home. Perhaps my natural high expectations has taken a toll on her.
tasha and her $800 package guzheng
I wish I was more easy going, let loose, live more carefree. But most times, I tend to care more than I should. It's funny how parenting makes us do. We have no qualms in buying anything for them, $800 guzheng, $130 for piano lessons, $400 for the classical piano (2nd hand). Bird's nest for them - easily a few hundred bucks. Dong cong cao, Ginseng. Whatever expensive items you name that will make them grow into well adjusted, educated, all rounder, I'll get. Sometimes, even to the extend of getting the cheapest quote around for Ninetendo Wii, one of the reason why we've not got it yet. When they were younger, the time was the biggest sacrifice.
Is it all worthwhile. yes, I believe it does. I don't mind what i've given to them and have not thought of getting it all back. I just want to have sensible, well adjusted kids. In all hope, to make this world a better place.