Friday, December 15, 2006
HDB tai-tai update
It's kinda weird, i have never never been "out-of-job" status ever since.. Sec 3??? Even when I was doing my diploma and degree, i was working. I've not totally get comfy with the feeling yet but it's prob cos i've got a thousand and one things to settle at home.
Day 1 (13th dec)
woke up at 8am, shoo hubby to work. lie in bed till 8.30am. did MSN, clear songs for my iPod shuffle, load in videos for my iPod (tasks halfdone). Plan to meet sister at 1pm for massage (yippeee). children woke up at 10.30am, ate breakfast with them. brought them to Tampines by train to buy Christmas presents for gift exchange during Sat nite dinner. Came home to assign chinese homework to son and reading task to daughter. Clear cluttered study desks and very untidy drawers of rubbish. "file" my bags, clear up those that i will never use. Off i went for massage and a very stuff-ed meal at Sketches. The evening was just the norm, at my parent's in law's place.. came home and played some majong with kids before revising Nathan's homework.
Day 2 (yesterday)
woke up at 8.30am, shoo hubby to work (hope it will not any later). Checked pple's blogs, MSN, could not resists sending resume for two jobs which looks interesting. Woke the children at 10am.. watched drama serial. Assigned homework again at 11.30am, cannot kick habit of torturing them.. mwahhaha..
Wanted to buy Nathan's books for next year at 1.30pm. Decided to take a nap but alas, the super loud thunder did not allow me to laze. Since it poured super heavy, decided to pack Tasha's room to make space for new furniture. Threw away 2 huge IKEA plastic bags full of misc items.. took 2.5 hrs to do that - phew.
Then took the children for waffle teabreak at ice-cream gallery and then hit parent's in law's place for early dinner.
The usual majong then go through homework with son sessions. oh, i also packed some newspapers and did some cuttings, muz do newspaper filing soon.
Day 3 - today..
plan to buy Nathan's books now, bring children to eat lunch wif daddy, collect my shoes at Pazzion... then we'll see.
arh... one sure can get used to this lifestyle yah :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
some updates

though Tasha's BD was today - 11/12, we decided to hold it almost a month earlier on 14/11 this year cos she wanted to have one with her school friends before they bid farewell. There was the cake cutting (lychee princess cake), snack time but no games cos prob the teachers thought we did not prepare anything.. but the girl sure enjoyed herself and will remember it for a long time (i hope)
So thereafter, the daddy and I did not plan anything at all for home celeb.. prob it so close to Christmas and I have tons of pressie which i have yet to prepare.. *sigh*
tomorrow will be my last day at work. I am officially out of job but it's cos i am still waiting for an answer. There is this Global marketing position which i am really game for but have no experience. And there is this sales job which is all ready for me to take on once i say when to sign the appt letter.
well, well... for any reasons if you're reading this blog.. i need prayers. I know God will answer to my heart's desire but i still need to know His will..
must. back . up . regularly
anyways.. the good thing is that the daddy got it all up and thus the mum is surfing and logging this blog (gladly with all the stuff in tact).
The children understands why from hence on, the PC is out of bounds without supervision. they each got also a stroke of rattan for not listening when we repeatedly told them strictly no downloads to increase bug risk.. *tsk*
And it's Natasha's birthday today. She is officially 6 today.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
the one who found rest
Her blog reminded me that my Dad was also a bird lover. When we were little, our adventures would be amongst those forest opposite our Telok Blangah hts flat or the coffeeshops which has birds hanging on poles. He will always prepare his bird with clean cages and I remember those cloths he covers the cages meant that he is meeting his bird friends - those covers were also our props (sp?) when we role play our nuns - Jas.. remember?? haha.
From him, I know all the species of the home reared birds, white-eyed ring, long tailed, hua mei. I know the food to feed each, the little porcelein cups that is around. We watched on as our Dad often bathed his birds in those rectacular cages. How he cuts those newspaper into circles and place them under the cages. When we were young, we will never get lost in shopping malls cos his unique whistle will let us know where to go to. We were also his little birds..
During his last days, he could not keep up with the expenses on his birds anymore. he only kept two, one of which was sickly or handicapped, my Dad took care of it till it became stronger. Not sure what happened to the other.
Corrinemay's aptly put across - born free.
I certainly miss him...
Monday, October 09, 2006
Children's Day break
this is kk and I's pledge:
we the daddy and mummy of Nathan and Natasha, pledge ourselves to make them so happy, that they will not nag us again to bring them to sentosa ...
But it turned out to be a really great 2 hours at the new palawan beach. I am amaze at how Sentosa is doing reno to be a great entertainment island and yet is able to accomodate usual weekday/weekend crowds..

Mama go jogging
Then, we thought of polishing up our skills since Nathan learns how to play from his paternal grandfather. But we were in a situation where we lack one player (KK, Nathan and I only).
Tasha was the only logical choice. after a few practices, she is able to "gao" by herself and dunch play play.. she is the "ze moh" queen.. princess. haha...
Ever since then, the children will say "let's play mama go jogging" and we will be at the table.. am I doing something illegal?
see the God of gambler in the makings...

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Snapshot of a good rest
A 2D1N trip to Bintan two weekends ago was refreshing pleasant. We swam twice a day, took a morning stroll collecting seashells, dip our feet in the cold sea waters, watch naked babies/toddlers, breathe fresh air, no calls, no internet, no puters, make foot prints in the sand, had water massage at the jacuzzi pool, eat, eat and eat. haha, the wonder of real holiday.

the highlight for the trip was we were able to catch the turtle hatchlings release to the sea in front of our villa! AMAzing nature.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
a third reminder?
Shortly after my Dad's death. S.L. (hubby's eldest sis's husband)was hospitalised and admitted to ICU. His lungs then was so fill with water that he could not breathe. He was told that it was his chronic high blood that caused it.
It made sense, I recalled in 1998 when my Dad was admitted, the same thing happened and he made it thru till this year.
When S.L. was warded for further investigation, they found a black dot near his lungs but they could not do an oral biotopsy, and S.L. did not want to get cut. Instead of follow thru with the western docs, he saw a series of Chinese sinseh and hoped to find THE miracle. Everytime we discussed about S.L. (without him) during those times, i'll get irritated and told them that if the dot is not determined, how can any persons save him.
Then, his health deterioted within months... sometimes, he'll be so weak that he could not function well. Finally, it became serious enough and they did a CT scan about a month ago. Apparently, he have had brain cancer two years ago and only recently, it spread to his lymnoid, then to his lungs. The earlier detection of the black dot could be that but because it was "new", everyone thought that he was in the early stage of cancer. By then, it was late. The cancer cells also went to his bones.
Two weeks ago, he went for two ops and two Sats ago, we visited hime. Although he seems tired. It seems like God's only comfort to me when i witness his admission to accept Christ. One of my SIL's pastor came over and prayed with him. It was my heart's desire and God protected it and let me saw that thru.
We had all hopes that he will recover. He went home last Tues but his appetite was so bad that he lost a lot of weight.
He was admitted again on sun and this time, the doctors warn that if he can survive these few days, he'll make it. He didn't this evening.
May God receive his soul readily .. Amen.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
a simple fare
So.. as it turns out, my MIL made a simple steamboat set up and storm up some dishes. Then we had an almond choc cake from Cedele.
It was a nice, relax affair where the kids (Nathan, JX, Sihong, sihao) played majong and the adults watched TV and discussed on the plans on end of year trip. . One family plans to go Disneyland , another family wants to go Japan - hokkaido. The singles are heading Tasmania (*wince* I missed that place!).
Us? we are planning a three weeks stay in New Zealand. - read: planning. I hope it'll happen though. *cross fingers*
Tomorrow, one family heads off to Guangzhou for a company's family day.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Three cheers to the bravest boy in the world
We checked in to the surgery centre at 7.30am, earlier in the morning, we did our prep talk again. My boy simply says that he is ready and not afraid, just a little worried.
The ops took an hour and a half but it took him another 3 hours to recover from the GA. Took almost a full day to truly recover from the side effect of the drugs.
He was okay general until about 11pm to 3am. The pain took over full fledge and he tried his best to endure however cannot help but threw out cries and fits. He was given pain killer - injection, brufen. Together we prayed, sang.. the finale was a lullaby and was sung over again for 45mins before he slept thru from 3am till 7.30am. I suspect he woke up in between but he did not want to wake me up.
He is totally okay in the day, Prof came by at 11am and loosen a little of the tight bandage. And Nathan blurted when asked if he is comfortable. I can tell not only is he relieve, he brightened up saying "urm.. now I can play gameboy". His appetite increase and he was able to handle lunch with a full bowl of porridge and fruit.
Daddy will be taking care of him tonight and since the checks on the BP and temp will be 4hourly instead of hourly last night, they should have no problem sleeping.
hubby called: they are making their way to 7-eleven at this hour *roll eyes*
The readiness:

The culprit:

The aftermath:

The brave boy in the recovery:

Friday, May 26, 2006
Salute to you...
When I read about Joan Chan's demise in ST today, I sob uncontrollably.
It was not because I am sad that she has passed on, she has gone to a better place. I am so touched that she is so brave. The courage to take it all and persevered despite the odds all these months.
The next thing that came to me was "what about her parents?" They have had such a lovely girl whom must have blessed them with her cheerful disposition, her successful academic and yet have to go before them...
I sob even harder.
God's way is not our way. May God bless and guide us.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
the ball game
There are two balls here which I find challenging to cope most times. Motherhood ball vs work ball. They clash constantly and I feel like I've produced half baked results on these two balls most times.
I am ever grateful that God has blessed me with a well paid job with reasonable interesting scope. I am at the same time ever grateful that God bestowed unto me two wonderful children whom till now has not given me mega major headache.
But no matter how hard I try, something will slip. I am recently told that I am not at par with key sales persons working for MNC. granted - I was not given any intensive training gerhma. I was also told that I should be more responsive to my phone calls even when I am on leave.. hmmm... how to take calls when I'm stuck at the pool for 4 hours? Or when I am travelling overseas? I'm not paid with auto roaming hiyah.. all these trival work rant.
The gist.. not handling this ball great enough.
then, it turns out. The children were giving my MIL heaps of stress and she started to broadcast to the village of bro and sis in law. Who in turn, started to "attack" me on how inappropriately I taught my kiddos and my maid. There are some serious issue with Natasha's behaviour, that I know. I tried my utmost best to control. But hey, I was not the one who pampers her like an empress then suddenly decided to take her priviledges away. I warned them before.. I also..... I defended away...
THEN, it dawn upon me that my MIL is tired of looking after my children. I empathise with her. My two buggers can be quite a handful if they know that they can take advantage of the situation. They bicker almost from the time they got together till we are around, they do not listen to the old pair, they use loads of emotional blackmail on them... etc.
after a short one night of deliberation, It was with consensus that after June holidays, Tasha will be going to after school care direct from kinder school. Nathan will stay at home after school with my maid. The maid will collect Tasha at 5.45pm from the CC to have dinner. I target to be home at 7.30pm. Plus, me gotta do marketing every week to keep food stock up and cook up more nutritious recipes... why is my head spinning urgh. It's a chore to think of menus.
on a happier note. Nephew baby Isaac is a chubby dude who has now mastered to do as much tentative smiles as tentative cries.
We went for all ladies ( sis, mum and I) spa out yesterday and those knots on my back are definitely feeling the p-a-i-n. But it was great. It's been a long time since my skin felt like satin.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Rooting time
Politics to me is nothing but words.
Say is cheap, be careful of what you say, you might get sued with what you said, people might not like some of the things you say, what you say may not make sense, say what people like to hear, some say their speech so scripted, say, say, say.
I've heard from both parties. Aiyah, at the end of the day, I just want action lah, yeah I am such a simple person. My flat's paint is wearing out and when it rains, there are bits of those peeling off paints staining the corridors. The walk to the bus terminal is so open that it burns into the skin. Not condusive for elderly to stroll to and fro in the day.
So who will be walk the talk? who will take ownership and improve things like they stay here?
Meanwhile, I will continue to try to "enjoy" my working 24 X 7 X 6 days work week, hope to be still alive when I draw my CPF monies at 62... chase that academic paper with my children.... hope not to fall sick as well.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Life is easy ... with directions.Travel and living Discovery channel.
I like the sketches when they describe the how-to-dos.. It'll be nice to learn how to sketch like that.
okay, I'm blogging cos I "sinned". I peeped. I promised I won't. sigh. at Nathan's private diary.
BUT, there's only 4 entries since Jan. All of which were on positive notes. It was all happy, fun etc. It comforts me to think he's has a cheerful outlook under our roof. He seems and told me he is but I was just not sure before.
ohh.. I hear the SDA announcing their start of rally. At last, they are making their prescence felt around here. About time.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The wild side
The beginner's course is open to public. $400 for 10 lessons on weekday, 45mins each time. $480 on weekends.
Adult gear would cost $250 to own and children's at $198.
Pretty steep...
Nathan enjoyed the pony ride and is very keen to get on to the beginner's course. That was by far, a first for him to ask for lessons.

For those interested, it's at Pasir Ris Park, Singapore. Car Park C.
We had a whale of time at the B.Gardens for a Classics time out.
Hope that the coming long weekend would be as great. zonking out time now.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The green mother
The tiny bully is not letting her have any rest.
It did not help when her confinement nanny was not exactly great in helping her to boost her health back.
Plus my bro in law is somewhat between a stone and a bull, stone cos he does not know what to do, bull when told what to do, refuses to do the harder task. Poor sis single-handedly clean the fan, cook and feed herself, wash clothes and dry them, clean the floor and entertain the sleep-less-than-two-hours-bully.
If I weren't there tonight at 9.30, she would not have a chance to take her dinner till erm .. 10plus? No wonder her complexion is green. Gotta check on her every night till her maid comes.
At these times, I really appreciates my hubby so much more. Even though he ain't that best help but he tries his best all the time for the kids.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I realise that I am not very efficient in marking all that assessment I gave Nathan so Agnes tipped me on how to solve this. Simply by asking him to mark it himself. Cool.
This way, he is motivated to finish up the assessment cos he wants to know his results since HE is doing the marking. double cool.
Phew, and I am soooo taking a break since I have already done the roadmap on his study plan and he will do the execution. *cross fingers* Hope that that motivation last a long long time...
Natasha surprises me in leaps. The funny thing about her is that I have to be constantly be reminded of God's blessings. Thank God for such reminders.
When she was 3plus, she could not read to me the right colour. I was desperate as it was vague if it was colour blind or plainly, don't know, cannot register...
suddenly, one day before going to Nursery school, she ask if the door close is the one in red and the door open is green. And she was right. More testing that night confirms she is NOT colour blind.
Then came recognising alphabets. It seems to me that all her peers (and Nathan) was able to recognise those a-z (not to mention, some were able to read words) but she somehow got rather confused. It was again one day before going to K1 class, she got it all right. No sweat.
This year, I expected spelling and "ting xie" to come at later part of the year so this time, I put her in God's hands. However, her teachers started giving some words, and now sentences since Feb. Tasha gave me no hair-pulling session whilst coaching her. WOW.
I have two wonderful kids. thank God and may HE continue to bless.
Thursday, April 20, 2006

December 05: most memorable was the Korea trip. I get to hear alot of my children's laughter and kiss my fav star.
Other significant events: New job (culture shock and all), Tasha's 5th BD, my 31st BD, fireworks at Espanade. Christmas at our place with home made Bingo.
Jan was pretty uneventful except for my mum's BD makan session. Brought my Dad to TTS hospital for check up.

After a belated reunion dinner, we went for K-session. That's when I last saw my dad alive.
Other memorables: Lilies for post Valentines, CNY, Macy's BD at WWW.
Mar this year will be the unforgettable cos it was horrific-ly super peak at work and that resulted in my absence in visting my parents.
Till now, I still cannot rid the idea that my dad is not around anymore. I miss him a great deal.
It was not suppose to be this way cos my sis and I had been planning for his birthday bash since he would have turn 60 today. All we could not decide was the date as my nephew was due in Mar/Apr.
This April saw my mum accepting Christ, devoting her studies in the bible and praying. I can say that moving on is for the living to do and do it well.
Monday, April 17, 2006
finally did it

Saturday, April 15, 2006
hello time
Tasha and her friends are starting their phone home sessions. So far there is only Tamara and Chloe. They yak about nothing really but just enjoy calling each other. The fact is... they are only 5plus years old.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
A life to be missed and a life to be cherished

When I saw his lifeless body on 16th March 2006 morning, I could not believe that he is gone. In April, he'll be 60 and we had intended to do a big birthday bash for him. He could have waited till then... why didn't he? I wanted to shake him up from his sleep, I was in denial at that point and thought it was all a joke. He would snap open his eyes and let out a laugh. It was only when the paramedics turned his hardened body that I realised that he is really gone. I wanted the clock to turn back to the night before, to pray with him and wish he would stay with us for a few more years. The night before, he was feeling terrible from some medication he had taken to ease the pain from his diabetic medicine, I wasn't there for him cos I thought he could pull it through like before and I would bring him to the hospital on the weekend. Before he passed on peacefully, he tidied up the mattress and blanket he was sleeping on. It seems amazing how he looked, the weight of the world had suddenly disappear and there was minimal wrinkles on his face. But he was alone sleeping in the living room when it happened.
The last time we had dinner was the reunion get together and a karaoke session. He still seemed strong at that time! I can still remember his voice, his laughter, the way he tease my children, his expression from his eyes, whatever he does he always has good intentions. Foolish maybe but never evil... I wished I had done a thousand things but it's all over. No amount of regret can fill back what I could have done. I really miss him.
A life to be cherished
My nephew Isaac was born on 23rd March 2006. It was with lotsa prayer coverage as there were three rounds of umbiblical cord around his neck. Thank God for his blessings on both my sis and him. Look at this cutie pie, I made some winter melon water and this fellow made such a funny expression and the kids were in awed.

Thursday, March 02, 2006
trying to be funny?
Group A: Pig, Chicken
Group B: Lion, Eagle
Q: which of the group do "Man" belong to? Why?
Ans: Group B. Because Man do not live in farms.
to be honest, I am also no good in this subject though I find this answer funny. So what is the answer???
Sunday, February 19, 2006
a post-valentine's post
Anyway, like some ladies out there. I was the one who told him not to get anything but I had hope that he would give me a little surprise, inexpensive but creative enough to make me erm.. pleased? The day started and ended with me having to work on several tenders till abt 10.45pm and then I hit on to my korean serial.
However, I was not bitter not disappointed. there are several gesture that my man always does that makes valentines an every day event.
~ His hugs are generous.
~ He never fail to pour a glass of water for me every evening.
~ I would be the first one he'll call when he has things to share.
~ I complain about aches, he'll massage for free ~ free hand with free style (haha)
~ I whine for ice-cream, 80% of the time, he'll get out there to buy a tub of Ben and Jerry's.
~ He'll fetch me as long as I ask
~ with no occasions, he'll get those mini muffins from Conrad Hotel, good stuff.
~ I suggest a new place to eat, he'll say when.
~ We smooch everyday
~ he's now cooking dinner whilst I am typing this post away.
~ I nag, he'll listen 60% (good enuff liao lah)
~ he's thinking of getting a handphone for me but waiting for the right time.
~ he fixes things in the house.
~ he gives me his opinion on the clothes I wear
many more ... but these are good reminders already that he's my best friend, my consultant, my lover, my husband and the best father I have for my children.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Treasuring what we have
But... we could, he was.. cos he had gone to report home to our Father sooner than the rest of us. Earlier than expected, too sudden for us to realise it and reconcile with the fact. My other dear friend, his wife has more to grief.. he wanted to paint the house and discussed about it the night before the Lord called him home. Many things yet undone...
A tiny blood vessel in the brain burst and caused homorraging .. it killed him within that few minutes. After the operation, they had to take off the respiration support to let his body go. I can only be glad with the knowledge that we will meet again in our heavenly home, may God bless us all.
1 Thessalonians 5:2:
2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night
Thursday, January 19, 2006
about work stress and abbreviation
Hi C, what is the AO nbr to put in this order?
Kindly provide the AO nbr to put in the order.
1. To the untrain eye, AO number which returns for google search is
defined as
Allegheny Observatory Number
Search by unique identifier (i.e., running number) assigned to the
individual stars by staff at the Allegheny Observatory. Enter an integer
from 1 to 4 characters. This search will only return one result.
2. In the other words, this track of communications makes no sense. I
will appreciate if you can kindly spare my time reading these materials.
3. I only ask for part numbers listed in the orders. While any other
sets of numbers offers opportunities to buy 4D, these are not exactly
4. I apologise for the spam.
System Architect
Sunday, January 08, 2006
First Entry in 2006
Here is a nice family foto during my BD, 'xept Nathan's eye is half shut, as usual:

We started the year with a nice touch at Esplanade. We made it at the very minute they started the laser and fireworks. While watching on the sky show, I noticed my children opened their mouth as they stared at the fireworks. so funny. the first time we brought the kiddos for a fireworks, Tasha wailed her heart out cos the effect was so loud.
What we did the next few days after that was nothing spectacular, prob cos school is starting soon. The good thing is Nathan's school is just 5 minutes walk from my home so our morning schedule would be, now that I have sent my domestic helper back. Waiting for the next one to come but definitely not looking forward *sigh*
6.30am, wake up and prepare breakfast.
6.45am, wake Nathan and let him do his morning stuff (brush teeth, eat, change into uniform). I'll then be able to do a quick shower.
7.10am, walk him to school and make sure he has pocket money
7.20am, wake Natasha to get ready for school. Has to assist her as she is still dependent.
7.45am, drive Tasha to school and go to work from there.
meanwhile, the other updates will be that irritating domestic helper. Almost everyday, I need to yell at her which is something I really hate to do. The longer she works, the worse she gets. After she left, I found a blood stained underwear of hers in the midst of our clothes when I do my laundry. double sigh. I have no confident in the new maid but well, I can just hope, else I really would need to explore any other options that comes along.
We were also looking around for car. What top our list is Toyota Wish. We test drove VW beetle, Peugeot 406, Nissan Latio sports... We'll still wait for a while before committing.