though Tasha's BD was today - 11/12, we decided to hold it almost a month earlier on 14/11 this year cos she wanted to have one with her school friends before they bid farewell. There was the cake cutting (lychee princess cake), snack time but no games cos prob the teachers thought we did not prepare anything.. but the girl sure enjoyed herself and will remember it for a long time (i hope)
So thereafter, the daddy and I did not plan anything at all for home celeb.. prob it so close to Christmas and I have tons of pressie which i have yet to prepare.. *sigh*
tomorrow will be my last day at work. I am officially out of job but it's cos i am still waiting for an answer. There is this Global marketing position which i am really game for but have no experience. And there is this sales job which is all ready for me to take on once i say when to sign the appt letter.
well, well... for any reasons if you're reading this blog.. i need prayers. I know God will answer to my heart's desire but i still need to know His will..