Here is a nice family foto during my BD, 'xept Nathan's eye is half shut, as usual:

We started the year with a nice touch at Esplanade. We made it at the very minute they started the laser and fireworks. While watching on the sky show, I noticed my children opened their mouth as they stared at the fireworks. so funny. the first time we brought the kiddos for a fireworks, Tasha wailed her heart out cos the effect was so loud.
What we did the next few days after that was nothing spectacular, prob cos school is starting soon. The good thing is Nathan's school is just 5 minutes walk from my home so our morning schedule would be, now that I have sent my domestic helper back. Waiting for the next one to come but definitely not looking forward *sigh*
6.30am, wake up and prepare breakfast.
6.45am, wake Nathan and let him do his morning stuff (brush teeth, eat, change into uniform). I'll then be able to do a quick shower.
7.10am, walk him to school and make sure he has pocket money
7.20am, wake Natasha to get ready for school. Has to assist her as she is still dependent.
7.45am, drive Tasha to school and go to work from there.
meanwhile, the other updates will be that irritating domestic helper. Almost everyday, I need to yell at her which is something I really hate to do. The longer she works, the worse she gets. After she left, I found a blood stained underwear of hers in the midst of our clothes when I do my laundry. double sigh. I have no confident in the new maid but well, I can just hope, else I really would need to explore any other options that comes along.
We were also looking around for car. What top our list is Toyota Wish. We test drove VW beetle, Peugeot 406, Nissan Latio sports... We'll still wait for a while before committing.