There was no real plan for most things we wanted to do but most of the stuff that came out pretty awesome. If there is any plan at all, I've only plan to have holiday in March and September so that we can have some breather through the "harder" months. And there were things which I wanted to see happen, time to do a review:
What do I want for 2008? (08's Jan entry)
- - Good Health for all in family : thank God for his blessings on all.
- - good pay increment! : I left the previous job to get that increment, i guess that can be counted. - do a mission trip : nope, did not happen.
- - pick up painting or drawing : errrrrr... wasn't anywhere near.
- - do a 10km run: yes!!! not just one, I did 2!
- - hubby to take up his Masters (in whatever course) : he procrastinated it. Hopefully it'd happen soon.
- - Kids to do well for school and ECAs: They certainly did!
- - hone my golf skills: no chance at all.
- - Able to take on the job challenges given (more marketing event planning!): change of job scope...
- - less verbal fights for us: think so..
- - good domestic helper: yes! in a different manner though.
- - take up a course or two to improve on Sunday school teaching: God is the best course facilitator - attend a seminar or two for Christian life improvement: did 1 at WesleyMC.
- - try not to repeat the bad bits of 2007: it's not specific so.. perhaps..
Kitchen wise, there were the savoury radish cake, lotus chips, pear choc pudding, baked cheese rice, self invented carbonara pasta, hokkaido ramen - with flowy egg, ravoli, cheese cakes, prawn noodles etc... I baked lesser cookies and I think the kids missed this one the most. Thus, I probably let them have more hands on for the CNY cookies for 2009!
Then the kids progress. I realised that no matter if you have outside help or no help, there is no way they can do well without parental's encouragement. It was hard for me in some ways to have to give up watching TV from 8 to 10 from from Mondays to Thursdays. Just to go through their school work and extras or even get to know what they've been up to at school or earlier in the day at home. It's even harder to make sure I reach home at 7pm to wind down a little before starting that regime but it paid off.
I felt alot more achievements with Tasha cos she gave me some real good tears whilst seeking advise from friends or colleagues. Now, I can look back at that part of the "colorful" months and smile.
Nathan will get his scholarship award tomorrow from the minister with $300 cash and Natasha got awarded with good progress with $50 cash. They will get to use it for whatever they fancy, sensibly though.
Nathan also received best P5 camper in May and P5 best bible knowledge from church. Yes, I am one proud mum :)
There were some firsts in 2008!
- First brave act - turn up for the DTKC when she was here in person.
- First reunion for class 1990 after 18 years!
- First Olympic medal - not mine of cos.. haha. But Singapore's!
- Reunited with some of faith Ag friends.
Then there were weddings of good friends. I lurve church weddings. So pure and true.
The family trips this year felt a mix of couple trip. With the kids older, they tend to stick with their friends.
So what do I want to see in 2009?
- Good health for all in my family. Honestly the most important every year.
- Deeper in love with God/Christ.
- Nathan doing well emotional, mentally for his major exam
- Natasha to cope well in school in her new schedule in CCA and work
- Hubby to keep his job and get paid
- Be consistent in my 10km runs and take up another sport
- Cope (really) well at work and home.. like keeping my job and get paid
- Family harmony with joy and laughters all year round
- Continue to whip up and recreate more recipes
- Visit a new country
Cheerriooosss... to a great 2009!!!