Wednesday, December 30, 2009
of 2009
In Oct - we were totally like just doing the PSLE. Since preparation was done in earlier part of the year.
Once the results is announced in late Nov - We've visited Taiwan for the first time and loving it. Not bad a place to do spa, shop, eat - affordable too. The kids had their fair share of fun.
On the results - Nathan made his grandparents and us very proud. He scored 264 with merit for higher chinese for his PSLE.
Since we had made the choice to DSA to Hwa Chong, we did not deviate from the choice and went ahead without much thoughts to appeal to Raffles. But when we did our registration for his Japanese (3rd Language) course at Ghim Moh, we learnt that HCI boys does their French and Jap at Ghim Moh and RI goes to Bishan. No point transferring since the flock differ. Oh well - it's gonna be a long thursday for him for 4 years.
KK and I did the annual standard chartered run. His first time and my second. My timing is better this year - woot!
Nathan tried to SYCO but did not get it, the kids there who were auditioning were really talented and good.
Natasha was not selected for the GEP but she is still in the level's top 2 classes.
Christmas was fabulous. We had a walk from Hort park to Hendersons wave. Breakfast at Telok Blangah rise and short cut back to car. afternoon break then mini get together at my place from his family. We had guesstures (like charade), MRT stations (like calling each other's names) for all the oldies and the young ones.
A short carolling time. then games and makan till 11pm.
We also did some garang thing - we chiong up and down Malacca on 27th and 28th. but it was fun for a night out at Malacca, eating peranakan food, navigating with virtually no help, the kids shopping for their own stuff.
So it's New Year's eve tomorrow. What is my 2010 outlook???
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
of Tasha again...
my heart is so broken with her sensitivity. But when she put me into frustration, i really am at loss on what to do with her.
- a pile of school work done not handed in/undone hidden
- chinese oral results are out but she hid it in her drawer
- a note written : i hate, hate hate hate.. isaac.. fucking.
talk, pray, counsel, scream, scold, cane ... all done. what else can i do to help her???
how would you react
The mum was waiting at the hawker all ready for him to be seated. She asked what he wants for lunch and gruffly asked back what is there to eat.
boy seated, mum stand bending down.
mum ran through the hawker's food list and he chose. Mum wonders off to order food for herself, her son and father.
boy finished food, pulled out phone to play. Mum asked question, little response from the prince. Mum pass tissue for him to clean his face. Prince takes tissue, clean and continue playing his phone game.
I was not exactly feeling very much but just thought if i knew the boy, he will either get a huge sacasm or a head smack from me.
My thoughts? This boy is spoilt from the mom and the hands, legs and brain is just used for study and play. And he totally has no initiatives to do anything for himself except to be waited.
what is yours? Feeling indifferent cos it's common. Or none of my business? Or there is absolutely nothing (so) wrong her? Are you being too strict/harsh?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Bangkok trip
Day 1 - Cab from Airport to President Solitaire (near Nana BTS) is Baht400. Cab insisted we pay Bht500 but we didn't have much choice.
Reached hotel safe and checked in at 8.30am, after a short freshen up and adminstrative. We were out at 9ish. Ate at an amazing road side stall, chicken rice noodle at Bht25. Proceed to take train to CTC market. one day trip pass = Bht 120. Their charges are by Zone. Mo Chit is where CTC market is. Happier shopping at designer's area, had a great chill out time at Lita where they sell unique bags and play great Bossa music. Coconut ice cream was great @bht25. There's a shop that sell great T's and racers. At 5ish, we left the place to freshen up at the hotel and headed for an aroma massage at the hotel Bht866 per person after 30% discount. Very shiok and then dinner at nearby Japanese restaurant (Bht 660 for two) which is not worth mentioning.
Day 2 - scrumptous breakfast at the hotel. Out at about 9ish to shop at Platinum. It's at chitloam station but a long walk to Zen->Isetan->across the bridge then platinum. Bad shopping from 1st to 3rd floor. but after that, there were great finds of accessories and gifts and one store which sold korean look alike clothes. Ate at the top floor where they serve almost similar sg food - chicken rice, beef noodles, braised duck rice/noodle, Kuay chap.. Sis treated bird's nest.
Took BTS back CTC mkt for last minute chiong of the weekend mkt and bought more clothes. It poured and we had to make our way back to hotel at 8ish. showered, freshened up and headed for Patpong area for massage and food. I thought we could find the ones I used to enjoy but did not. We had thai massage (Bht330/pax) at a sleazy shop, though good, my angmoh "neighbour" asked for "additional" service so really spoilt the serenity. But my legs were much better.
We had a hassled dinner at KFC (Bht 200 for two) and took the train back. However, we missed our station as we were laughing too hard at the advertisements and took a joy ride back to our NANA station. By the time we hit bed, it's midnight.
Day 3 - another heavy breakfast before we head out. Went to Isetan and roam around a bit. Went back to Platinum to finish what we left out. Shop "gusto" has some nice things too. Walk to Siam station and roam Paragon, Siam centre then really tired out by the time we reached MBK. MBK's attraction is still there - for electronics, for titbits and small items. They have great restaurants there too. went back to hotel, freshen up, checked out at 4pm, did foot massage and manicure nearby (which we should have on Day 2) at bht250 for foot and bht200 for mani. Back to the hotel, collected our luggage and paid bht370 for tolls, extra tax and metre fees to the airport. despite the jam. Found that onthe next lane from Nana station, there sits my black canyon cafe and seemingly better massage shops. There's always next time :)
Note: departure/airport tax (passenger service charge) will be included in the airline ticket price!! cos of that, we each had Bht700 with us unspent... hahaha..
total damage: S$300 for airline tix and hotel each. expenses including food, massage, shopping for myself is S$475 cash and S$200 on card.
Happines with sister: priceless.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
DSA - Direct school Admission
IP - Integrated programme
GAT - General Ability Test
HAST - Higher Ability Selection Test
RI - Raffles
HCI - Hwa Chong
NJC - National
DHS - Dunman
PSLE. Everyone know that means. There was once a facilitator who said that it means Passing Simple Love to Everyone. But it's not what that means when you or your child is in P6.
We discussed through the schools to apply for and we picked HCI, NJC and DHS. I for one is most impressed with DHS's principal - for his humbleness, unassuming body language and encouraging speech. The student's performance displayed how they love their school life. HSI overall wowed me over. NJC didn't give an open house we know that it's a great school by it's own merits.
We made our trips to and fro Bukit Timah for briefings, tests, interviews and what naughts. It's been an eye opener for what your kid can be drilled through for scholarships and such. We had a good laugh over his interview Q & A, how he "spied" other people's academic results during the submission, he quickly made some friends during the short stint and did discussion over their experiences. It's been tiring but fun. I sure learnt much about his "ability" since he's gone through various tests and he has his fair share of how things work. We also "tasted" how to balance the run arounds with so many things still going on. And this fellow can still ask me when i am starting his calligraphy lessons... kuakua.
Nathan at this point was shortlisted by NJC, accepted by HCI and no reply from Dunman yet. He has already made his choice.
I am not sure if it means more work for me but I just want to remain really happy for him at this juncture.
Tomorrow is his PSLE oral. and he is still having tons of school work from his teacher and doing his ErHu lesson as I am writing this. This is what life will be like soon I suppose.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The last line...
Like the poem, we all see this coming, for all our relationships. It’s what you do between the first line and the last line that matters.
-> like my Dad.. I was there when he was hospitalised, was there when he was sick and send him for medical checks. Thought of his birthdays and father's days. But was simply not able to see him for the last time even when asked to cos I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.
It didn't matter what was done in-between. It matters what I did at the last leg. Like the last line of the poem.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Oh well...
family time table and the "add-on":
1 Aug- Nathan shortlisted for NJC. went for day camp
4 to 11 Aug - H1N1 virus healing and qurantine
8 Aug- help out for H.O.P.E.
9 Aug - farewell for Ong family as they are doing 2 yrs in USA.
10 Aug - H.O.P.E fair and Public holiday
16 Aug - Safra Bay run
20 and 21 Aug - PSLE oral
21 evening to 23 Aug - Bintan weekend break for my younger brother's BD
24 to 28 Aug - P6 Prelim and P3 practice paper 2
28 Aug - Natasha GEP screening test
29 Aug - Natasha school briefing on rebalacing affliation (to sec school)
As much as I love meaningful events, being sick is something I don't appreciate. Esp when it happens to my kids.
The H1N1 virus made me work harder at home but helped me to bond again with the kids. I've not had been the 24/7 mum for them since they're... P1? In terms of physical needs, I don't need to coax them, feed them, monitor them constantly. I am only with them on brain wave level - coach their studies, give them spelling and assessments, read newspapers, scream at them to DIY...
If you ask me, I'd prefer taking care of physical needs anytime. At least, it's immediately appreciated and the hugs means alot more.
The latter, is really for them to appreciate when they reach their 20s/30s and it's really much harder work.
But in anyway, they need to grow up and the latter will definitely take place more.
The worst of the virus is over - I pray that there will not be any more high fever and severe headaches. they are enjoying each other's company playing the computer games - whilst the rest of the schooling kids do their time at school.
This National day holiday will promise alot of indoor games - mahjong, carrom, movies since we are not going out.
Friday, March 13, 2009
on growing...up and old.
Last month, when I met up with friends I've known for more than 2 decades, I noticed deep lines below the eyes, old age pigmentation, white hair.. But these are just "face" value depreciation.
I felt we were now more stable emo wise, more in tune with our own instinct, confident of status - be it single or married or attached without commitment, happy with the decisions made, glad to be able to plan for the next decade, calm to face any tomorrows...
That to me is a huge diff when we met at 30 and again at 35. I can't wait to talk about our 40s.
I'm inspired with how some women of this century looks darn gorgeous at 40 and beyond - Jennifer Aniston (yes! she's 40!!!), Halle Berry, Vanessa Williams and oh wow Monica Bellucci .. So first, I am going to do something that is cosmetic - nothing too drastic, I just need to do something with my crowning glory.
Monday, March 02, 2009
During our brunch on Sunday.
EZ: what do you think Satan was doing when God put light on the first day?".
I had no idea..
EZ: Satan was formulating a rectanglar thing that also gave light but it was bad. It became TV..
Me: tell me more
EZ: then God made animals, Satan created hamburgers and made it staple. God made plants and Satan make them into potato chips.
har har har har!!!
Then he continued.
EZ: remember the part when God told Adam and Eve not to eat the apple in the middle of the garden? Well, Satan said - fruits we eateth not but give me potato chips anytime!
WOAHHAHAHA... this can be found from Reader's Digest this month and the words may not tally word for word. I am just as appreciate to my son for putting in an effort to make me laugh.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Family eat out
Eating in Sg is really reasonable if you go for simple hawker fare. A typical meal of such will cost about 20 to 25 sgbucks for the 4 of us. Price varies though at food court - Banquet, kopitiam, food republic. You don't really get to choose the (brand of the) food court as they are located at various vincinity. And you end up eating there because.... you really wanna get that chicken rice or Ngoh Hiang with air-condition. That would have cost about 30 to 40 sgbucks for our family.
There are times when we are really sick of eating typical food. Because, as much as being relatively cheap, it's loaded with carbohydates and MSG. That's when you start to explore either to cook gourmet or pamper ourselves with "good" food.
It used to be Japanese or Crystal Jade that did the trick. Lunch or dinner at the such restuarant would set us back at 70 to 100 sgbucks. However, it does not necessary mean that we are satisfied with the food. Those days, I'd wish I could whip up some really good dishes at home so that such monies don't get to go to waste. There are also times when you had such a good time with the food, you don't mind going back for more when budget allows.
Over the years, there's more than than Japanese food or Crystal jade - Thai, Korean, Western, Gourmet Chinese and Vietnamese.... aren't we spoilt for choice for such a tiny island?
Nathan and Tasha adore Din Tai Fung's 小笼包 to bits. We indulge in that more cos I can't replicate that dish.
Over the CNY weekends, we found a new haunt, - Tang Dian Wang Shanghai restaurant. To be honest, I have no idea what Shanghai cuisine has, but this place has good soup value for money and yummy lotus leaf rice. And this desert/side dish really completed our lunch.
prawn roll in mango sauce.
Fresh ingredients cooked al dente is the best.
So where to eat next?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Actions of our belief
There's so many superstitious beliefs that contradicts with the Christian belief. Usually, we go by the rule of thumb - as long as it does not stumble another to understand Christ.
One of the actions I've learnt along my Christian walk is to decline graciously. In the past, when colleagues around me ask me to join them to buy the "hongbao toto", I would scoff at their idea and give them the "i-am-proud-and-mighty" speech. OR, I would go into the extreme, not utter a single word about it and wait for them to collect the monies (which goes into the drain 100% of the time).
Last year, before I can reject it nicely, they have kindly included me into the purchase so that I won't feel left out. I thank them for their thoughtfulness but joke that we may not win cos God won't grant me such luck.
This year, I thank the (another) group for asking but decline nicely. They somehow were quick to detect the reason why I am not participating so they were respect it anyway. Perhaps they are the lot that are kinder and respectful on people who are slightly different.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Random happyness
Friday, January 09, 2009
recent birthday
try-ing to look pretty after a long day
This sweet man bought a pair of sunnies for my runs. A bouquet. And a mama-mia inspired necklace. Truly felt loved.

Friday, January 02, 2009
Some of the happi things to end 2008 and start 2009
There was no real plan for most things we wanted to do but most of the stuff that came out pretty awesome. If there is any plan at all, I've only plan to have holiday in March and September so that we can have some breather through the "harder" months. And there were things which I wanted to see happen, time to do a review:
What do I want for 2008? (08's Jan entry)
- - Good Health for all in family : thank God for his blessings on all.
- - good pay increment! : I left the previous job to get that increment, i guess that can be counted. - do a mission trip : nope, did not happen.
- - pick up painting or drawing : errrrrr... wasn't anywhere near.
- - do a 10km run: yes!!! not just one, I did 2!
- - hubby to take up his Masters (in whatever course) : he procrastinated it. Hopefully it'd happen soon.
- - Kids to do well for school and ECAs: They certainly did!
- - hone my golf skills: no chance at all.
- - Able to take on the job challenges given (more marketing event planning!): change of job scope...
- - less verbal fights for us: think so..
- - good domestic helper: yes! in a different manner though.
- - take up a course or two to improve on Sunday school teaching: God is the best course facilitator - attend a seminar or two for Christian life improvement: did 1 at WesleyMC.
- - try not to repeat the bad bits of 2007: it's not specific so.. perhaps..
Kitchen wise, there were the savoury radish cake, lotus chips, pear choc pudding, baked cheese rice, self invented carbonara pasta, hokkaido ramen - with flowy egg, ravoli, cheese cakes, prawn noodles etc... I baked lesser cookies and I think the kids missed this one the most. Thus, I probably let them have more hands on for the CNY cookies for 2009!
Then the kids progress. I realised that no matter if you have outside help or no help, there is no way they can do well without parental's encouragement. It was hard for me in some ways to have to give up watching TV from 8 to 10 from from Mondays to Thursdays. Just to go through their school work and extras or even get to know what they've been up to at school or earlier in the day at home. It's even harder to make sure I reach home at 7pm to wind down a little before starting that regime but it paid off.
I felt alot more achievements with Tasha cos she gave me some real good tears whilst seeking advise from friends or colleagues. Now, I can look back at that part of the "colorful" months and smile.
Nathan will get his scholarship award tomorrow from the minister with $300 cash and Natasha got awarded with good progress with $50 cash. They will get to use it for whatever they fancy, sensibly though.
Nathan also received best P5 camper in May and P5 best bible knowledge from church. Yes, I am one proud mum :)
There were some firsts in 2008!
- First brave act - turn up for the DTKC when she was here in person.
- First reunion for class 1990 after 18 years!
- First Olympic medal - not mine of cos.. haha. But Singapore's!
- Reunited with some of faith Ag friends.
Then there were weddings of good friends. I lurve church weddings. So pure and true.
The family trips this year felt a mix of couple trip. With the kids older, they tend to stick with their friends.
So what do I want to see in 2009?
- Good health for all in my family. Honestly the most important every year.
- Deeper in love with God/Christ.
- Nathan doing well emotional, mentally for his major exam
- Natasha to cope well in school in her new schedule in CCA and work
- Hubby to keep his job and get paid
- Be consistent in my 10km runs and take up another sport
- Cope (really) well at work and home.. like keeping my job and get paid
- Family harmony with joy and laughters all year round
- Continue to whip up and recreate more recipes
- Visit a new country
Cheerriooosss... to a great 2009!!!