As it turns out, it was a touching piece of work. My hubs got his affirmation of being a great dad from his little girl. The card says he is great because he teaches her everything! I am jealous. I didn't get anything that will jerk my tears on mother's day. heh, but I'm glad that my hubs is a great dad in the eyes of my children.
What I was really please with the little piece of work was that when she did it, she asks no one for help. At 6.5 years old, she has proven that she's independent and loving. Plus she can write passages on her own.
I never really know when is the dumpling festival. Every year, the only thing I know is to eat the delicious dumplings my MIL makes.
Some years ago, I tried to make the dumplings but always fail the last part of wrapping. It is really difficult and I gave up since. This year, I am very determine to get at least one out by myself. So on Sat, I set my mind, my soul, my hands to take on the task.
It took me 3 hours to finally accomplish the last step of wrapping. And I only did ONE. My skills needs lotsa practice. My sisters-IL and MIL had already done 170. haha, sounds like a loser hor. Hubs had to rub it in and told me to practise with sand. er horkay... growl.
The weather yesterday was so perfect. It was windy, non humid, dark clouds but no signs of rain.
We went biking at our nearby park. I rented the double bike and rode it with Nathan. We spent a great 1.5hrs being friends. Natasha and I did a 15mins ride on the double bike and she talked non-stop. haha.
They enjoyed it so much that they hope we can do it again.
We headed for dinner at trusted Pu Tien restaurant
Only at the orginal one. It's the second time we went back to the place. They provide valet parking, free corkage and good food with reasonable price. Another thumbs up for them for performing under stress. It was so packed with people but yet the quality of the food was only slightly compromised. We had:
1) Hing Hwa Combination Platter
2) Bamboo Herbal Prawns
3) Hin Hwa Fried Mee Sua
4) Deep Fried Duck with Yam paste
5) Fish soup
6) brinjal with pork floss (new dish)
7) fried bun with pork strips
8) sweet sour pork with lychee
9) Sea cucumber with vegetables
We wanted the home made bean curd but it was a sold out. too bad.
For 14 persons with the above dishes, we spent 390 bucks. My MIL was worried the bill will be about $500 plus, judging that the food was really yummy.
There was no pic taken because I was too hungry since we biked before dinner. Also, everyone was "snatching" food cos dinner started at 8pm.
The slight drop in standard was the mee sua. It was not fried the way I wanted it. I like the dry version but yesterday, they gave us the wet one. The fish soup, was not consistent. The first one we had sometime ago, the soup had more flavour. It added some fried dried scallops and shallots. There was none found in the soup yesterday although it was still yummy.
the food pics I took the first time we were there..