That afternoon, I had to do the groceries real quick, cook some soup for him and prep the kids for school for the week. All these would not have been possible if I had been frustrated or panic during the process. God was definitely with me.
Next day, (16th Apr/Mon)
I was really daze when my RO and I took off to the San franscisco. I forced myself to nap on the flight and halfway thru, i wonder if it was worth it since so much time was wasted travelling. Plus the checks were really stringent. It was worse on domestic flights, shall not indulge in elaborating.
After checking into the nice quiet town in Redwood city, we took off to San Fran city. And as I was not appropriate dressed for 11 degrees celcius, I ended up with a cold sore on my lip. Otherwise, it would have been a real treat that half day at the city. We ventured the shops at Old Navy, Victoria Secrets, took the tram to Fisherman's wharf... The sunset was a beauty.
The place we put up was somewhat like a dorm. Pleasantly peaceful and my room view was the little airport that holds some jet planes.
Marriot townsuite - 15 mins walk to work place in Redwood city
San Francisco city
Next night, Jake and family with Jeff/Wendy arranged dinner at "Yeah", a Malaysian restaurant near our office. Not fantastic food but i really love the company.
The winds made the weather really cold although it's suppose to be spring. To talk work will be too boring, Fast forward...
Friday, I packed to get ready for Wendy to pick me up to Dinah's place for dinner. Dinah cooks.. wooo.. hoo.
Dinah the cook
one of the dish
Wendy and Denzel
the dinner
then Wendy prepared a nice bed with a nice little bear to accompany.. It was really nice and comfy.
isn't it lovely
It still felt surreal that nite when i fell asleep at the Lui's place, I think already at that point, I missed my hub and kids a great deal. All set for the next two days of fun.
WE shopped, eat, visited Golden Gate, Sausalito. We also had quite a bit of fun trying to take our own pics.. see this:
Jeff and Wendy also made a trip going up the famous San fran city slope and down the Lombard. I'll always remember that great memory they made.
Million thanks to Jake/Dinah and family and JEff and Wendy. I was genuinely happy to be able to spend time with these old buddies.. we've really come a long way :)