Our dept is trying to do a keep fit 2007. Most of them will need to cook up some ideas on what to do for the month. K, our yoga enthuse, put us up into a trial lesson on
Kryoga yesterday.

There were some last minute shift in timing, we end up joining the intermediate class. My mental state was not really prepared for it, but my body was pushing through. Some of the meditation bits, praying posture, free mind felt really unappropriate personally but I was praying the whole time. Overall it's still fun to do it with colleagues, where everyone could "complain" about the aches together.
Feb is badminton month. Looking forward to some fun.
The hubby and I will be starting on our golf lessons tomorrow. I've got some practices at the range but I always end up hurting my left palm after a few stokes. Hopefully getting the techniques will help to improve that.