Monday, October 24, 2005
And he's not wrong either
Some interesting extracts that make us tick.
John use a ______ of soap.
a) bar b) bottle c) box
Nathan's answer: bottle.
Model answer: bar
erm... these days, kids only get to use liquid soap. how long ago was this assessment compiled? dated Mar 2004.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
It's been a good 8 years
He turns 8 today. He blew out all the little candles by himself and cut the cake to signify his another year of growth.
As cliche as it sounds, time sped by too fast. It's so different year on year on his expectation of this occasion but I know this child does not mind simplicity. He told me (before I even decide on anything) that he does not want anything but a meal at Sakae Sushi.
The year 8 years ago still lives vividly in my memory. I remembered 3 days after I held him home, I stared intently at him after his breastfeeding session and wondered how I brought a child who resembles somewhat like a baby of precious moments ( in my eyes). How amazing a life could be. And almost every middle of the night, I would somehow subconsciously wake up and make sure he is still breathing. The fear of losing him was so intense.
It's no different today actually. I look at his handsome face and melts when he smile so proudly at some things he has done great or like today, he felt happy that he had just a simple birthday cum extended family gathering with some sushi, pizza and a wonderful choc fudge cake from Jane's cake station.
Oh and I muz put this into record, my dear child knows the word "f**k" and also he is not into keep things from us.
Last nite, hubby and son was playing scabble and I was flipping magazine lazily whilst hearing them play on.
Father: hey, what are you trying to put? there is only space for three letters.
Son: can't I put f-*-*-k here? I know it's a bad word but there IS such word right?
Me, trying my utmost best to suppress a laugh. Locked eye with hubby. Hubby covered mouth to avoid LOL. Son still trying to fix the word in.
Me: urm, I think the word does not exist in the dictionary so it's not an official word. Furthermore, you can't put a bad word in.
Son: issit? but why s-h-i-t is okay but not f..
(you get the idea).
SSSOOOO, he ALREADY knows, despite not teaching him. mind you, we are not a family who spews words like that all over. Not even hokkien ones.
Anyway, this boy does not even bat an eye when he describes how a man and woman makes a baby. The biological way of cos.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Her eyes enlarged thrice the normal size it usually was and then it took her seconds to register, recompose and ask for the reason and whereabouts I am heading.
I have got the clearance from the SD from Marketing to join his team but I will be supporting my current group eventually. Well, at least that is the initial plan. We need to track carefully with this cos we are talking about going through 3 very shallow, shortsighted and narrow minded ladies.
haha, the funny thing is that my lateral move, she hopes, will only take place in March 2006! That is as good as my EVP's level when he decides to tender. Am I so indispensable that I can only be release to join the other group then?? Puzzled and looking innocent, I ask. If I were to tender today, clearing my leave and what naughts, I can leave within two weeks time!
She gave the reasons that there's gonna be a reorg soon and it is not fair for the replacement. Hello, if I were her, I will get in the replacement first and when the reorg takes place, let the Dir and the HR worry over the headcounts. Furthermore, I am leaving a gold mine. I have just closed a >0.5 mil worth of WAN deal and my accounts will go into perfect health and even exponential at the end of the FY. If I can even make a decision to leave those to someone else, why can't she let me go and have my life? She just want to meet her own agenda and can't she be more honest about it?
Enough said about this. Think it's just too sad that the org actually let people like them rule.
but anyway, I hope that another job I am pinning on do offers. Then I won't be at the mercy of such internal politics.
On a happier note, a new baby is coming on board Mar/Apr 06. It's gonna be a nephew. yay!
Nathan's recent home assessement had been inconsistent, hovering in the 80s. I hope he bucks up as I know that his composition may pull some marks down.
Tasha had been keen to show us some of the movements she'll be doing for the concert. Bum shaking is taking 90% of the entire performance. haha.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
the makes of me
Ole lady: mam, please donate to the handicapped. It's just $10 and Auntie has been working in the rain for quite some time already you know.
Me, hesitating cos green man says to cross: erm.. sorry... I am rushing. And I donated before (REALLY okie).
Ole lady: do it for a good cause again, you will be a great help.
Me: sorry...
Ole lady, cut my lane: please buy..
Me (mumble): feel like being emotionally blackmailed.
Ole lady: no no, what do you mean I blackmail you.
Me: I really need to go, sorry.. No, I don't want to buy anything now.
Ole lady, "gin" at me, point her nose upwards: fine, whatever, up to you.
Me: >.<
Does this incident makes me any less charitable???? I hate feeling so oblige to donate when I can't even think about it!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
catching up
just to catch up on some events this month.
Look at this absolutely happy face, she is getting married when I took this.

This was last Friday when we went on leave for a day of "tai-tai'ing. We head off to do our hair after a nice prata breakfast. Then we relax at Book Cafe for lunch and non-stop yakking. We adjorn to do our mani and pedi before I fetch her to her bridal shop to do the rest of her bridey stuff.
Isn't she gorgeous even if she was half way thru. I was not able to take any more pics cos the day was just swamped with activities. I certainly hope that she will be married happily ever after.
It's gonna be a jolly good month to makan good food! UOB rolled out some great 1-1 deals that is simply irresistable,
we went for Renn Thai and it was *burp* yummy. I lurvvee Phad Thai.
We had that, Pineapple rice, Tom Yum Gai and bbq sotong and the bill came up to be $32.
Thursday, October 06, 2005

13.38hrs: just finished all the "live firing" from various channels ~ emails, phonecalls, meetings.
No one in sight to have lunch and I have a meeting at 14hrs. Had to packet my food up. I don't usually like this mode of lunch cos:
1) I like my food steaming hot. Which explains why my pick for food is soupy or hot stone items.
2) I hate food that seems to look like one dish when they are suppose to be separated. That means, I don't mind salted rice (rice with mushroom, dried shrimp, chinese cabbage)
3) I have the tendency to want to work on something on the PC than relax and eat.
4) I am one step towards being environmental unfriendly.
5) I like to get some sun for the noon.
But this is suppose to be celery (one dish), chicken chop (one dish) and rice with curry gravy. Now the fried chicken pieces are soggy. The rice cold. dipping celery in curry sauce is never practiced.